Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Mindless Action and Thoughtful Satire

I haven't been to the movies in a full week and it actually feels weird. I think I've been to see something at least once a week since the new year. These experiences have been from the week before last. I saw them relatively close together.

I saw Kong: Skull Island first. The boyfriend and I went together. I was excited about this one because it's the establishing film for the upcoming Kong vs Godzilla movie. Just saying that gives me goosebumps. This is just a fun movie. The acting wasn't anything special, except Samuel L. Jackson. He was hilarious as a twisted soldier determined to get revenge. After seeing him as the good guy in Legend of Tarzan, it was fun to see him play a villain. He does it so well. The death scenes in this movie were awesome, as drab as that sounds. Kong was kicking all kinds of ass and taking all the names. The last scene was surprisingly heart warming and was a great way to end the nonstop action and fight scenes. We didn't stay to see if there was an end credits scene so I hope we didn't miss anything.

Next up was Idiocracy. The local historic theater was showing this in their revival series. My boyfriend has been recommending this film to me since we've been dating so we had to go see it. We went to the premiere at night. The theater wasn't very full but full enough that we couldn't sit dead center. We were still in the middle, the best seating area. The film started and it was so funny and sad. Funny because everyone in the film were acting like idiots. And sad because our present looks a bit too familiar to the film's future being portrayed. I can see why this is a cult classic but it's not my favorite revival film. I'm glad I was able to experience it with an audience that obviously loved the movie. And there is a funny, stupid end credits scene. So if you watch this on DVD, see it through until the end.

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