During my vacation, my boyfriend surprised me with a day trip to Pennsylvania. We were on our way to get breakfast and he randomly asked me did I wanna go out of town. Our original plan was to hit up this diner that I really wanted to try. I had been to another location in North Carolina and wanted to try this one out since it's the closest one to me. So he drove us to York, PA and we ended up seeing two movies and going to the library instead. I think that was the better experience. The seats were AWESOME! They're the new ones that recline and sit your feet up. I almost expected it to give me a massage as well. First one up was...
The Lego Batman Movie

It was so good. I wasn't a huge fan of The Lego Movie but this film had me excited. If I had known we were going to see it, I would have worn my Lego Batman t-shirt. We drank our hot beverages (coffee for him, hot chocolate for me) and split an order of cinnamon bites. Even the food was good. I was being spoiled rotten by this movie theater. The jokes int he movie were hilarious and plentiful. I'm sure I missed a few of them because the delivery was nonstop. If you love plot-less stories with an overabundance of references, this is the movie for you. And since it's Lego Batman, it's perfect for kids. They won't really understand what's going on but they'll still enjoy themselves. We stayed until the very end just in case there was a end credits teaser. There isn't one, but I was excited to see a trailer for another Lego movie. The next one is about ninjas and that's all I needed to know to be sold on the idea. I'll definitely be seeing that one.
So after this was the trip to the local library, which was gorgeous. We ended up eating at Quaker Lube (hahahaahaha luuuube) and went back for movie number two...
John Wick Chapter 2

I will shout this from the roof tops. I loooooooooved the first John Wick. I didn't see it in theaters and I regret that decision. I saw it on HBO and was blown away by the fight/shoot out sequences. The stunt choreography was beautiful. And I genuinely adore Keanu Reeves so that was a plus. I had very high hopes for this film. We both did. Sadly, we left disappointed. It was just more of the same old same old. There is only so much this franchise can do with his character and motives. This chapter failed to make much sense to me or make me care about the outcome. A highlight was Ruby Rose's character. The sign language and suits exasperated my sexual attraction to her. After the movie, we went back home and talked about how the ending was so annoying. It doesn't make me eager to see a third possible chapter. The love I have is strictly for the first film now.
Part 3 will be out soon and that should have me all caught up on my cinema outings.
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