I have been desperate for another movie outing. After my doctor's appointment yesterday morning, I found myself wandering over to the movie theater in the area. There were two movies starting up in time: Jumanji and The Post. I sent a quick text to my boyfriend, leaving the choice to him. He picked The Post so here we are.
It was in one of the smaller rooms, no more than 50 seats total. I walked in right as the lights started to go out and I saw that I was the only black person and under 50. But with the reserved seating, it felt like I was alone once I sat down. I sat right in the middle for the best view. The trailers were all boring except for Tully. I really wanna see that when it comes out. Finally, the movie starts and...
I was not let down. It reminded me of Spotlight with its tone and pacing but it wasn't executed as well. Still, I enjoyed the film very much. Meryl Streep can do no wrong in my eyes. Her acting is always on point. She had great chemistry with Tom Hanks. He was a son of a bitch that you couldn't help rooting for. The ending was cheeky and fun but had a tonal shift that I found abrupt. It mostly made me awkward laugh than genuinely laugh.
All in all, I'm happy that I gave this film a chance. I don't see it winning an Oscars though. Though Streep was amazing, I think the win will go to someone else. And as far as best picture goes, it's nowhere close in my running. I'm surprised it was nominated at all.

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