Moonrise Kingdom is a love story told by Wes Anderson, a beautifully talented director. His films are more like art to me. The whole crew is amazing, especially the editor and cinematographer. The pacing is like reading a really good book. It leaves you wanting more. I invited my mom to come with me since I wanted to share the joy of watching the movie. Our taste usually differ when it comes to film but I feel that Anderson is universal in likability.
My worse movie pet peeve came true this past Sunday. We were late for the showing. BY 8 MINS! In my world, that is beyond unacceptable. Granted, my mother had a good reason. She had left her phone at home and had to go back and get it. I mean, shit happens. But I was secretly fuming until we picked our seats out in the dark. We were forced to seek refuge in the back left of the theater, since all of the center seats were occupied. Once we were comfortable, I left out to get us popcorn and use my coupon for a free drink. Having seen this movie over 15 times, I realized how silly I was being with my anger and decided to just enjoy myself.
She loved it. She laughed at the dry humor, complemented the child actors, and thanked me for treating her. I would call this outing a complete success and am resolved on buying the movie on DVD. It's something I should own so I don't have to depend on Netflix or theater revival series to watch it.

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