Saturday, December 16, 2017

Fan Event for Star Wars


I bought these tickets back in October. Once I received an email about special showings for super fans. I knew I had to get it for the boyfriend. But as we tried to find a theater we liked and that was close by, they quickly sold out of seats right before my eyes. It was infuriating to see them slip away while we tried to finalize our plans. I was forced to settle on a theater that I hadn't been to in years. But they had the seats and I had the money so I bought two.

Months go by and we're finally at the day of the opening. It was on a Thursday at 6 so we both left work for this. We show up at the theater wayyyyy too early; so early that we couldn't even sit in the auditorium. So we slink on back to the car and the boyfriend insists on watching a Star Wars lore video on YouTube about everything that's happened in the past 10,000 years of this space opera. The video was incredible. There was just so much stuff I didn't know that I needed to know. Click HERE to watch it for yourself. Even if you're a casual fan, it's very well done and held my interest the whole time.

We finish that and head back into the theater. With the special viewing came Star Wars trading cards and a free popcorn. We collect the goods but skip on the food. We go in and find our seats, which hadn't been updated since the 90s. I realize that I've been spoiled with the newly renovated movie chains and their recliner seats but come on. These seats were just sad looking but not totally uncomfortable. The very few trailers play and then...

AWESOMENESS ENSUES. I was gasping and screaming and applauding and crying and completely exhausted by the end of the film. I usually stick to just the experience and not review the film itself but I will say that despite all my geeking out, it could have been better. The movie holds up to the last episode and is well acted but the pacing was a bit off in places and there were times I wish I had a fast forward button.

But I have no complaints. I plan on seeing it again very soon. I just hope it holds up to my expectations.

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